Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3 days of fun!

Wow Wednesday already! And our motto for today.....RAIN RAIN GO AWAY!! Another cloudy,rainy day leaving LaCrosse and today we are hoping for Guttenburg Iowa. Our routine seems to be leaving around 8:30 or 9 depending on the weather conditions and the fog. We try to end the day around 4:30 or 5 and we of course, have a Captains happy hour! On our boat the deck hands are allowed an occasional cocktail of choice but the Captain does not have that opportunity. The rules are strictly enforced by all! Yesterday we managed 5 locks & dams. Today we will be going thru 3. So far we have been able to go thru in about 15-20 minutes. No waiting and usually we have been able to free float because we have been the only boat. We expect to encounter a few barges today which will change time and complexity of going thru. Again we are surprised and thrilled with the fall colors appearing on the river. This is a 6pm update and we did indeed experience a 2 hour wait for a lock and dam with a huge barge coming thru. Yesterday we didn't mention the fact that we almost went under a bridge that was to low for our boat. After calling the bridge master we were told we would fit and as we drove up we realized we were to high and had to back off til they opened the bridge. A little tense for a minute but a unique experience. We have included a picture, now that we have figured that out. Tonight we are experiencing the real river life in Iowa of all places. We also have included a picture of where we are staying on the river. If this is cheap I get to go shopping in Florida! Another great day!

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